Image Credit: United Way British Columbia

United for BC Wildfire Recovery Fund seeks donations

Aug 12, 2024 | 6:15 PM

KAMLOOPS — United Way British Columbia is appealing to the public for donations to provide financial assistance to aid those displaced by wildfire throughout the province.

Through the United for BC Wildfire Recovery Fund, the United Way offers grants to non-profit organizations that offer support to those affected by wildfires. The funds are meant to be a short-term solution to provide those who are evacuated with basic necessities that sometimes get overlooked when evacuations happen.

“Things like food and water. Gas cards and grocery cards. It’s often people travelling long distances from their homes to their host communities, or to the emergency centre,” Jasica Grewal, United Way BC’s Director of Community Impact explains. “Providing blankets and hygiene kits, things that folks didn’t have time to pack for. We know that families are feeling stretched and spending more on gas and groceries isn’t often an option for families.”

Non-profit organizations are encouraged to apply for United Way BC’s Emergency Response Grant, which can help provide funds that will assist individuals and communities impacted by wildfire.

“We’re definitely seeing a huge uptake right now,” Grewal says. “There’s a callout for agencies to apply for this response, but at the same time, we’re also asking folks to donate. If you have any opportunity to donate dollars, that’s the most valuable resource right now.”