File photo (Image credit: Kamloops RCMP).

COLLINS: Some titles are nice, some not so nice

Jul 30, 2024 | 6:00 AM

WHEN WE PUT ON THE CANADA SUMMER GAMES in 1993, the excitement was palpable.

There weren’t many people who didn’t have a sense of pride in what we were able to do. The concept of us being the Tournament Capital was fostered by the community itself and soon became the watch word when promoting Kamloops as the place to be.

We have also been promoted as the Volunteer Capital, a centre for the coming together of divergent cultures, and the list goes on. Even though we have promoted these from within to toot our own horn, we should be proud of the fact that other communities, cultural groups and sports organizations refer to us with those positive monickers.

But when we accept the positives, we also must embrace the times when we are hit by a negative title.

This week, the headlines blasted “Kamloops becomes crime capital of Canada”. It’s not the kind of title we want to have, especially since we rely on tourism for so much income. It’s big news, and we have to put maximum impact into changing that impression as soon as possible.

The figures show us ahead of places like Kelowna, Chilliwack and Prince George and we have more crime than Vancouver, when looking at per capita numbers. How do we fix the problem? Number one, we need more boots on the ground. We need them walking down Victoria Street and the Tranquille Corridor. We need to see them patrolling residential streets in their cars to provide a deterrent. As long as they are not put into situations beyond their training and the weapons they are given, Peace Officers could eventually be used more.

And we need to find judges willing to protect the safety of the community by keeping those charged with violent crimes behind bars until they are due in court.

There are many avenues for police to follow. Some may be costly, some may not. But unless we are willing to support our first responders, we’ll be right back at the top of the heap again next year. And that would be a blow it will be hard to recover from.

I’m Doug Collins and that’s One Man’s Opinion.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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