3 Army Reserve officers disciplined after reservist killed 18 people last October in Maine
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Three Army Reserve officers were disciplined for dereliction of duty in the aftermath of a rampage in which a reservist killed 18 people in Maine, according to an Army report that cited communication failures within the chain of command, and between military and civilian hospitals, among other shortcomings revealed during an investigation.
The Army review, released Tuesday, unearthed “a series of failures by unit leadership,” said Lt. Gen. Jody Daniels, chief of the Army Reserves, and administrative actions taken against the three officers have the potential to prevent further advancement in the military. Those officers were not identified in the report.
Survivors and victims’ family members have been critical over missed opportunities to stop the 2023 attack, which came after family members and fellow reservists noticed that the gunman had been exhibiting delusional and paranoid behavior.
“My heart and soul goes out to all those families, the folks that were witnesses to what happened,” Daniels told reporters. “We’re doing the best that we can in terms of understanding what did transpire, then make changes for the future.”