River Valley Wildfire, July 21 (image credit - Scott Nelson)

River Valley wildfire calms; Williams Lake remains on alert

Jul 22, 2024 | 6:30 PM

WILLIAMS LAKE, B.C. — The River Valley wildfire ignited and took off on Sunday (July 21) just on the edge of Williams Lake. As of Monday afternoon, the fire was listed at 40 hectares.

“We had a massive windstorm that came through, knocked a power line onto some trees and it just exploded,” Councillor Scott Nelson told CFJC News. “It ran up the valley, both sides inside the River Valley and with that intense wind, within an hour we had a massive forest fire in our River Valley. It went up the side of the hill, jumped onto the west side, went onto the other side and jumped into the city and caught a couple of businesses on fire.”

Sadly, the mayor of Williams Lake did confirm that some structures have been destroyed in the blaze, which has now calmed. But as it remains classified as out of control, Surinderpal Rathor says he won’t be taking any risks.

“There are a couple areas, a couple of businesses that got some damage done. We are accessing that, but thank god there is no human loss. Other damage — I’m not worried. I can take that. But as long as the human lives are okay, that is the number one priority for me, my office and my council,” said Mayor Rathor.

With smoke from the fire now filling the city, Mayor Rathor also asked for residents to check on their neighbours and loved ones.

“Please preserve the water. Go to your neighbour, check on your neighbour. somebody could be elderly, they could need help. Help them close their windows because it’s getting a little bit smokey in the valley. Preserve the water as much as you can and don’t travel unless you have to,” asked Rathor of his residents.

From burning Rank 3 and 4 on Sunday to Rank 1 Monday, Councillor Nelson feels BC Wildfire has gotten the upper hand on the wildfire, but a wind warning was issued around noon, posing a potential risk as the fight endures.

“There is a lot of movement taking place, and I can’t say enough about first responders and what they have done down here — absolutely incredible. It would have whipped through this valley like never before and half this valley wouldn’t be here if they weren’t on it last night, so a great credit to them.”

In addition to ground crews, BC Wildfire is tackling the blaze from the air with the help of helicopters, RJ tankers and skimmers.

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