B.C. may work with N.L. on court challenge of federal equalization payments, Eby says
VANCOUVER — British Columbia Premier David Eby has found an ally in his claims of unequal funding from the federal government: Newfoundland and Labrador.
Eby is hosting Newfoundland and Labrador Premier Andrew Furey in Vancouver today and says B.C. will consider joining the Furey government’s court challenge over federal equalization payments in an effort to get “fair treatment” from Ottawa.
The B.C. premier has been highly critical of unfair federal funding for Western Canada, saying the lack of money for projects such as flood prevention, while cash flows to Quebec and Ontario, shows those provinces get “special treatment.”
Furey says he spoke at length about the equalization problem with Eby during his visit to B.C., saying the formula is “fundamentally broken for Canadians right now.”