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Two and Out

PETERS: 16 months from now, will Canadians vote on the issue of treason in the halls of parliament?

Jun 7, 2024 | 12:30 PM

THERE ARE CERTAINLY TREND LINES on the provincial political scene right now, showing the startling rise of the BC Conservatives and the near collapse of BC United.

It’s still five months until voters go to the polls, though, and that’s an eternity.

There is plenty of time for things to change and then change again.

One year after the provincial election, voters across Canada will go to the polls to elect a new federal government and the strange thing is — we already know what the Number One election issue will be.

Or at least we should. It came directly to the forefront this week.

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) released a report saying some MPs and/or senators have been consciously working to undermine Canadian democracy and benefit other nations.

The committee said some parliamentarians communicated with foreign officers, disclosed privileged information and worked with known spies.

These weren’t even Manchurian candidates — they knew exactly what they were doing, according to the committee.

Essentially, the allegation is we have traitors in our federal parliament.

We don’t yet know who they are because the report was heavily redacted before it was released.

Those details may come out if and when this matter is referred to police for an investigation.

As Canadians, we need to press for those names to be released before we go to the polls.

The Liberal government has given us the pat line that it takes national security issues seriously, but saying that is absolutely the least it can do.

To inspire any sort of confidence, it needs to take significant action.

There are many reasons to vote for or against candidates in federal elections.

If treason isn’t a reason at the top of the list, I don’t know what else would be. Even tip-toeing up to the line of treason is completely inexcusable.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.