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Image Credit: Adam Donnelly / CFJC Today

Dufferin residents warn others after rash of vehicle break-ins

May 24, 2024 | 5:30 PM

KAMLOOPS — Vehicle break-ins and stolen cars are a common problem in cities across Canada, and Kamloops is no exception. And the problem is not limited to certain neighbourhoods. Andrew Hebden is among residents in Dufferin who are growing concerned after what they say is a recent rise in vehicle break-ins in their area.

“I’ve lived here for 21 years and this is the first time I’ve had people actually coming up to my house and trying to steal stuff out of my vehicles,” Hebden explains.

Recently, Hebden says someone got into three different vehicles on his property in a single night. Nothing of significant value was taken but seeing the cars rooted through has sparked frustration. Hebden is part of a neighbourhood Facebook group, where he says others have shared similar stories.

“We’ve just had a lot of break-ins, vehicle break-ins. There’s guys who have been running around checking people’s houses, their doors,” he adds.

The incidents have been reported to police, and if nothing else, the Dufferin resident wants these instances to serve as a reminder for others to be careful.

“Just for the people in the neighbourhood, keep your eyes open and if you see anything. Phone the police and let them know,” he reiterates. “Any suspicious activity. We’ve got to get it out of here.”

Kamloops RCMP says the detachment is well aware of vehicle break-ins and thefts around the city. Cpl. Crystal Evelyn notes year-end data for 2023 showed a reduction in both the amount of cars broken into and the number of stolen cars. She says part of that decrease comes from targeting prolific property crime offenders.

“We’ve had some additional attention, a lot of good work by our Crime Reduction Unit and some support from other provincial teams, like IMPACT, and then just continuing to work on that education piece,” noted Evelyn.

You can’t prevent everything, but police say there area few things that can be done to deter would-be thieves.

“At night, park under street lights, park in well-lit areas, park where there’s more people, right? More witnesses are a good way to prevent crime,” adds Evelyn. “And look for video cameras, too. That can also be a good way to deter crime because if you notice it, somebody else might, too.”

Police adding that any break-ins or stolen vehicle reports should be called in to the Kamloops RCMP detachment.

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