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SOUND OFF: NDP government fails to deliver for British Columbians

May 23, 2024 | 10:30 AM

BY EVERY SOCIAL MEASURE, British Columbians are worse off now than they were when the NDP first took office seven years ago.

As the Legislature adjourns ahead of the next provincial election, it is clear David Eby has failed to deliver any tangible results for British Columbians or inspire confidence that the NDP can provide any solutions to the big issues our province is facing.

Under the NDP, British Columbia has become the least affordable province in Canada, with the highest gas prices and taxes in North America, the highest rental costs in the country, and the most unaffordable housing in North America. The skyrocketing cost of living has left half of British Columbians just $200 away from being unable to pay their bills at the end of the month, resulting in record-long lines at food banks.

Public safety has been put in jeopardy by David Eby’s soft-on-crime policies and catch-and-release justice system which prioritizes the rights of criminals to re-offend over the safety of our communities. I constantly hear from parents who now avoid taking their children to neighbourhood parks due to fear of discarded needles and their children witnessing drug use and overdoses. This surge in open drug use, fueled by Eby and the NDP’s reckless decriminalization experiment, has even infiltrated once-safe public spaces like restaurants and hospitals.

On top of all that, our healthcare system is in a state of crisis. British Columbians endure the country’s longest walk-in clinic wait times and chronic staff shortages, with one in five residents still lacking access to a family doctor. The NDP’s record in healthcare is consistently failing to meet the needs of our communities.

While David Eby expects British Columbians to accept his failures as a “new normal” Kevin Falcon and our BC United team have a common sense plan to deliver real results.

We know that you can’t tax your way into affordability. That’s why BC United will scrap the provincial fuel tax saving drivers up to $30 per fill-up. We will also remove the carbon tax on home heating and, should Ottawa choose to axe the federal carbon tax, we will be able to remove it in B.C. as well.

Additionally, we will restore public safety by ending David Eby’s catch-and-release justice system and ensuring that government puts British Columbians’ right to safety ahead of the rights of violent criminals to offend.

Importantly, we will scrap the NDP’s reckless decriminalization experiment. Instead, we will prioritize free treatment and recovery for those struggling with addiction.

Eighteen months ago, David Eby promised “results that people can see, feel, touch, and experience in their lives.”

Yet, it’s clear to folks in every corner of this province that Eby and the NDP have failed on that promise. Things have only gotten worse by every metric. BC United is ready to implement real solutions to help make everyone’s lives better.

United, we will fix it.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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