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People’s University of Gaza at TRU

TRU to disclose investments after meeting with pro-Palestine student group

May 6, 2024 | 10:50 AM

KAMLOOPS — An agreement is in place for Thompson Rivers University (TRU) to disclose investments that may support companies that do business with Israel.

In a news release, TRU states it agreed to process any Freedom of Information requests related to its investments within 30 days, the time required by B.C.’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA).

It comes after university executives met with representatives of the People’s University of Gaza at TRU student group Friday (May 3) afternoon. The student group says it sent TRU President Brett Fairbairn a list of four calls to action, one of them being that the university disclose its investments.

“We discussed a wide range of issues and agreed on ways we can provide the information these students seek while respecting the needs and well-being of the TRU community as a whole,” Brian Daly, TRU’s vice-president of university relation says. “With the same consideration we would provide to any TRU student request, we will review proposals made regarding divestment. However, it is important to note that TRU already follows stringent guidelines and policies regarding our investments.”

In its news release, the People’s University of Gaza at TRU says its second call to action is for TRU to divest from all companies that do business with Israel, and it will prepare a divestment proposal once it receives the university’s disclosure through FOI.

Both TRU and the People’s University of Gaza at TRU say they both agreed on the student group’s third call – a commitment to the student’s rights of peaceful demonstrations.

Regarding the fourth call, that TRU “… publicly condemn and demand an end to acts of genocide and scholasticide in Gaza,” the university stated it adopted a practice of neutrality on global political issues.

“The university does not take positions on global events in recognition of the diverse viewpoints within its community but instead, focuses on creating an environment that respects differing perspectives while providing support to those affected by global events,” TRU states.

The meeting between TRU and the student group comes when pro-Palestine encampments have emerged at other universities in B.C. and Canada.