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One Man's Opinion

COLLINS: Governments need a change of plans to deal with the drug crisis

May 5, 2024 | 6:00 AM

IT IS HARD TO FIGHT “expert” opinion. With the “truths” of scientific knowledge behind them, the experts can’t be wrong. Can they?

I don’t often agree with the provincial government of David Eby. Too condescending, too arrogant, so full of promises with little substance. But I do believe the government is right in protesting recent decisions to allow public consumption of drugs in places like parks, beaches, and just about anywhere. They should fight this with every tool at their disposal, including the combined support of the opposition.

The courts have placed the wrong emphasis here. To put the desires of an addict ahead of the common good is wrong. Every individual has certain rights. But in my view, the rights of the public as a whole have to factor into these decisions and the courts failed miserably in that regard.

Addicts need help. I have preached that ad nauseam. I believe in the work that Ask Wellness, The Loop and many other groups are doing. But to say you are allowed to publicly consume drugs and get high in public places is the wrong choice. If we want the addiction crisis to get even worse, this is one way to go about it.

The “experts,” the courts and the government have let us down. It’s time to speak up. Not to punish the addicts but rather to prevent the crisis from heading down a path that will lead to an even more tragic consequence.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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