BC Wildfire’s newest recruits get put through their paces at boot camp near Merritt
MERRITT B.C. — As the province of B.C. enters a new wildfire season with 110 active fires currently burning, the BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) is gearing up to supplement their ranks with 250 new recruits. Over the past month the new recruits have been put through boot camp both in Merritt and Prince George to prepare for life on the fire line this summer.
A real world scenario welcomed more than 50 new BCWS recruits to the mountains above Merritt on Monday (April 29) afternoon.
“It’s kind of getting your foot in the door and seeing what it is like. My kilo crew there has been working hard all day, all week, it’s awesome grinding beside them and learning what this job is all about,” said new recruit Gavin Rauser.