SOUND OFF: Short-term rental rules coming into effect in British Columbia
I’VE HEARD FROM PEOPLE who have concerns that they are having trouble finding options for a new home to live in, while thousands of short-term rentals are taking needed long-term homes off the market. That’s why this past fall, our government introduced new legislation to help more people get into homes faster, including new laws around short-term rentals in B.C., and now those regulations are coming into effect.
Starting May 1, 2024, new rules will kick in to make sure that homes that could be long-term rentals for people and their families aren’t being monopolized by speculators using short-term rental platforms like Airbnb and VRBO. Removing thousands of homes from the market makes it harder for regular folks to find affordable long-term places to live. By limiting short-term rentals, thousands more homes could be rented out or sold to people who live and work in our communities.
Premier Eby and our B.C. government are making sure that homeowners have the choice to operate a short-term rental in a room in their home, or basement suite or even their whole home while they are away, but we’re cracking down on speculators who want to own multiple homes or condos to run “ghost hotels.”
This means that a few things are changing for communities above 10,000 that need more housing. First, if someone wants to rent out their place short-term, it must be their main home. They can only rent out one extra unit on their property, like a basement suite or a small garden cottage. This Principal Residence Requirement will come into effect in more than 60 communities. In fact, 17 additional communities who were previously exempt have chosen to opt-in to the new requirements, going into effect this November.