SOUND OFF: NDP flip flop on carbon tax kickback investigation
LAST WEEK, OUR BC UNITED CAUCUS raised concerns about allegations suggesting that the accounting firm MNP engaged in practices that present conflicts of interest in administering two CleanBC carbon tax-funded grant programs.
Edison Motors, a B.C.-based electric logging truck company, raised the issue when they claimed that MNP pressured them to use MNP’s application writing service, which charges a 20% success fee based on the grant money awarded. This arrangement meant that MNP, who decides CleanBC grant recipients, would also profit from those who used their application services.
The BC United caucus called for the NDP government’s contracting with third-party companies to manage government programs to be independently investigated by the auditor general. Despite these serious accusations, NDP MLAs denied any wrongdoing and shut down an investigation.
Edison Motors states that they contacted the Minister of Energy, Mines, and Low Carbon Innovation, Josie Osborne’s office about a month ago to raise this concern. Despite these serious allegations, the Minister took no action when the issue was first presented, or last week when our BC United Caucus called in the Legislature for an auditor general investigation.