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Year-Round Water Restrictions

New year-round water restrictions in effect: City of Kamloops

Apr 10, 2024 | 10:13 AM

KAMLOOPS — New water restrictions stemming from the City of Kamloops’ Drought Response Plan are now in effect.

The city’s new Water Use Restrictions Plan applies to all residents who receive their water supply from Kamloops’ potable water system.

In a news release issued Wednesday (April 10), the city says the water restrictions are in effect year-round and replaces the previous season odd-even model.

The default water restriction stage allows Kamloops residents three days a week per property. The city states the default stage remains in effect unless an elevated restriction stage is declared by the city based on provincial drought levels. Residents will be given 24-hour notice if restrictions are heightened.

Under the new watering schedule, the final digits of each resident’s legal street address will determine their allowable water use days.

Image credit: City of Kamloops

“This plan illustrates the city’s commitment to environmental responsibility by enhancing our resiliency and capacity for mitigating climate change while providing a solution that we are confident will help the city achieve provincial water use reduction targets associated with drought,” Greg Wightman, the city’s utility services manager, says.

The city’s preferred time for automated irrigation is between 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m. Irrigation is not permitted on any day between 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.

Residents who fail to follow the new water use restrictions could be fined $100 initially then fined $200 going forward.