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One Man's Opinion

COLLINS: Council meeting Tuesday could be tumultuous — or not

Apr 5, 2024 | 6:00 AM

IF THE CITY WAS SMART, it would book Sandman Centre for next Tuesday’s council meeting and sell tickets. We could make a lot of money to pay back the money we’ve spent on the infighting at city hall. Of course, because it’s a personnel issue, much of any debate will likely be behind closed doors.

The mayor is creating more havoc with his “list” of reasons why he chose to suspend acting CAO Byron McCorkell, just before the mayor left town on vacation.

Maybe it will turn out to be a relatively tame meeting, but I highly doubt it. The mayor has indicated he will now not present his “list” on Tuesday. He will keep the issues for another day. But he also is quoted in an InfoTel story earlier this week as saying he’s not necessarily ruling out another suspension.

I have so many questions, but I will never have time to ask them all. So here are a few:

  1. Why did you suspend McCorkell just two days before you buggered off on a family vacation? I understand why you wanted to go, but it sure seems coincidental that you left at the time you did.
  2. You said you couldn’t make a meeting Thursday but if Councillor Kelly Hall could Zoom in, why couldn’t you? Your job doesn’t end when you go out of town.
  3. You have left the impression with your comments that you didn’t think council could overturn the suspension because you thought some councillors might be in a conflict of interest. What was that based on?
  4. In fact, a bigger question is, who are you getting your advice from? Do you really think the Community Charter regarding suspensions was written so that you could make such a decision based on a personal whim?
  5. Narcissistic is a word used to describe you — that you are the only one who sees the light and the other eight people around the table and the entire city staff are dumb and ignorant. That you are the only one who knows what to do. That eight people who were elected in 2022 suddenly coalesced into a group that have unanimously voted against you on virtually every issue that’s come before them. Do you really believe that?
  6. Why do you persist in this lawsuit against Councillor Katie Neustaeter? Surely someone who is in your position could find a way to make it all go away. Wouldn’t take much. Be a leader, Mr. Mayor.
  7. You have said you were preparing a list of items for next Tuesday’s council meeting to point out why McCorkell should be suspended. If that list wasn’t complete, why would you suspend him before the list was complete? What was the logic behind that one? You said you would have had time to get everything together by next week. Are you admitting you didn’t have it prepared before the suspension?
  8. Councillor Mike O’Reilly suggests you have no rationale for what you do and that you love and thrive on chaos. Former Mayor Terry Lake says, “It should not be a venue for petty tin-pot dictators like we have leading the City of Kamloops at the moment.“ “He has this narcissistic view that he is the only one who sees the true light and the only one who knows how to put things right and all he has done is tear down, he hasn’t built anything up.“ ”To do something like this and then bugger off on a Vegas trip, it speaks volumes about the person involved. It’s just a shame that Kamloops citizens have to put up with this so-called leadership. It’s unconscionable.” What is your response to that?
  9. You have also been called a bully. Is that valid? Is it part of your leadership style?
  10. You suggest you were elected to make changes, with your big project a safer community. But you seem to be suggesting you’re the only one who has the vision to pull all that together. Have you listened in any depth to the thoughts of the fire chief and the head of the RCMP? Have you put them on notice that they’re not doing their jobs, or just Mr. McCorkell? I find it interesting that you would not call out the RCMP if you’re not happy with policing and crime. Mayor and council give direction and priority for police and fire.
  11. You may well be thinking that McCorkell is the CAO so the buck should stop at his desk. If I may be so bold, Mr. Mayor, might I suggest that the buck should stop at your desk instead. Maybe the “change” should start with you and not Mr. McCorkell.

I’m Doug Collins and that’s One Man’s Opinion.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.