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Kamloops City Council backs Acting-CAO Byron McCorkell, following Mayor’s move to suspend

Mar 27, 2024 | 1:47 PM

KAMLOOPS — In a shocking move, Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson suspended the City’s acting CAO Byron McCorkell on Tuesday (March 26) citing the move as ‘necessary to change the direction of the City of Kamloops’.

“The mayor has once again unilaterally made a decision without informing council, without talking to council, its unprecedented, it’s irresponsible,” said Deputy Mayor Mike O’Reilly. “And quite frankly it is in the Community Charter for emergency situations, not when somebody comes up with an issue of the day and wants to suspend somebody.”

While the mayor does have the legislative power to suspend McCorkell, city council has the ability to reverse the decision. Speaking to CFJC Today, O’Reilly confirmed reversing the suspension is exactly what they are planning to do.

“At this point there is full support from all city councilors and staff of Byron McCorkell acting CAO, and we will be holding a meeting as quickly as legislatively possible, and we are aiming towards doing that towards tomorrow afternoon to reinstate CAO McCorkell,” O’Reilly told CFJC News.

O’Reilly called the suspension unilateral and done without consultation of the rest of council, and an altogether over-reach by the mayor.

“This is no different than what has happened over the past 513 days since the mayor has been elected, nothing has changed, he unilaterally tries to make changes, they get over-written by council, and then he moves on to the next,” stated O’Reilly.

The official statement from the city also highlights that Hamer-Jackson may have breached the Freedom of Information and Protection Privacy Act in suspending McCorkell.

“We have reported this to the Freedom of Information and Privacy Office to let them do their own internal investigation because from everything we are hearing there was a breach and that is now up to their area and in their court,” adds O’Reilly.

The deputy mayor was unable to comment on whether the suspension could lead to McCorkell seeking legal recourse against the city.

CFJC has also reached out to Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson for comment, and we’ll update the story as more information becomes available.