Thompson Regional Hospital Board declines to fund RIH cost over-runs, reduces overall contribution
KAMLOOPS — It was a simple and unanimous vote to approve the Thompson Regional Hospital District’s five-year financial plan, equating to a five per cent or roughly $6 a year increase. In doing so, the board put their foot down on what they feel the citizens of the region can afford.
“For $16 million to be dropped on us today, at the same time while expecting to pay for a parkade and new cancer centre, that’s a heavy load, that is too much for our taxpayers,” said Board Chair Mike O’Reilly. “If we were to pay that cost over-run on the emergency room expansion we would be looking at a 29.5 per cent tax increase on top of the five per cent tax increase that we approved at the board.”
Now in search of $16 million to complete the phase 2 renovations at Royal Inland Hospital, Interior Health admitted it won’t be easy, and scaling back will result in delays.