ROTHENBURGER: What’s so great about being the third fastest growing city in Canada?
GROW, GROW, GROW. We can’t stop talking about it. Growth is good. Growth is God. We must go higher, wider, bigger.
The growth bug hits Kamloops every once in a while, like now, when everybody gets excited about how quickly the city is expanding. We’re calling ourselves the third fastest growing city in Canada.
It’s in all the brochures and press releases and on the lips of local politicians. This is considered a big deal, as if the Tournament Capital should receive a medal. Maybe it’s got to do with our sports mentality.
Technically, “third fastest city” doesn’t tell the whole story. The numbers are from 2022 and Kamloops is third among metropolitan areas. In our case, the metropolitan area — or agglomeration, as the census also calls it — includes several communities in the region around the city.