From left: Jordan Peterson, Danielle Smith, Tucker Carlson, Conrad Black, Jan. 24, 2024. (Image Credit: / Danielle Smith)
Two & Out

PETERS: Smith’s healthcare change poses real danger for Alberta trans kids

Feb 2, 2024 | 12:30 PM

IT HAS TO BE MORE THAN A LITTLE DISTURBING for the LGBTQ2S+ community in Alberta that the person who was just days ago glad-handing with Tucker Carlson and Jordan Peterson is now radically reshaping healthcare laws for trans kids in that province.

Premier Danielle Smith unveiled the sweeping changes earlier this week — not in ready-to-debate legislation or even in a detailed news release, but in a video posted to social media meant to couch the draconian crackdown in comforting smiles and soothing elevator music.

Trans people and advocates saw right through it, though, just as they did Smith’s laughable plea that the issue be depoliticized.

Politicizing it is exactly what she did by delivering this policy.

Portions of this change are patently discriminatory.

The hormone therapy Smith is proposing to ban for trans youth is already available to all if they come to their doctors under other circumstances.

It may not even stand up to a challenge at a human rights tribunal.

It’s also head-scratching in its intent.

Hormone therapy is not irreversible. It puts development on pause for young people who are still figuring things out.

One would think allowing a young person to take time to determine the best course of action is a positive. Instead, that option is being taken away.

Over and above the real depletion of healthcare options for young people is the message this sends.

To turn a phrase Smith’s clan is fond of using, Smith is virtue signalling. She is posturing by enacting changes to solve a problem that doesn’t exist.

The gender-affirming surgeries she is valiantly banning for minors are already limited to adults across Canada.

This is a very calculated signal to her base and a very clear signal to trans youth who, by the way, are at seven times greater risk of suicide than other young people.

If they are made to feel they are not wanted, that they are second class citizens, the damage will be real and, for many families, it will indeed by irreversible.


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.

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