Image Credit: CFJC Today

New library open to the public in Aberdeen Mall

Nov 22, 2023 | 6:00 PM

KAMLOOPS — The Thompson-Nicola Regional Library has opened the first additional location since 1974. The Aberdeen Tiny Library is located inside Aberdeen Mall and is aimed at filling the demand of the region.

“The population here [southwest Kamloops] is expected to grow by up to 43 per cent in the next several (decades)… and we don’t have a library up here. We know that it’s an underserved area as far as library service,” explained Margo Schiller, the manager with Kamloops Libraries and Engagement.

The new library is a one-year pilot project that could be expanded based on its demand. For now, the new location is meant to bring easier access to the region.

“We have a stop at the Tournament Capital Centre every Saturday, and it’s one of our busiest stops. There are a lot of families that come in. There are a lot of people who put their holds up there because they don’t want to try to park downtown. We know there’s a lot of demand in this in the southwest area,” said Mike Brown, Aberdeen Tiny Library’s branch head.

The Tiny Library is open Wednesday through Saturday from 12:00 noon to 4:00 p.m. inside Aberdeen Mall, adjacent to the food court.