419 ‘Moose’ Squadron arrives for a final Remembrance Day flyover
KAMLOOPS — If you were in or around the Kamloops region Friday afternoon (Nov. 10), you may have heard the sound of military jets flying over. The 419 Moose Squadron has arrived in Kamloops for the city’s Remembrance Day ceremony Saturday.
The ‘Moose’ title is a reference to John ‘Moose’ Fulton, a Kamloops man who was the first Commanding Officer for the squadron. It’s part of why the fly-past has become a staple of the Remembrance Day ceremony, and why the group has become tightly knit with the local community.
“Our close connection ties, with the city stems all the way from World War II and we try to keep that alive all the way until now with our participation in the Remembrance Day ceremonies and the fly-past that we do every year,” says LCol. Ryan Kean, the Commanding Officer of the 419 Squadron.