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City Hall

Kamloops council to receive Code of Conduct investigation report in closed meeting, consider sanctions

Nov 9, 2023 | 10:12 AM

KAMLOOPS — It appears disciplinary measures against Kamloops Mayor Reid Hamer-Jackson may be on the way.

Kamloops council released a statement Thursday morning (Nov. 9) alluding to a report generated after a Council Code of Conduct investigation. The statement notes council must consider the report in a closed meeting because it contains personal information.

The statement goes on to say council will release a copy of the report, either complete, redacted or summarized, within 30 days of any decision on the report made in a closed meeting. Those could include “censures, sanctions, corrective actions and other measures.”

Hamer-Jackson is not named in Thursday’s council statement. However in June, then-deputy mayor Mike O’Reilly confirmed an independent firm was investigating allegations that Hamer-Jackson had created a hostile work environment at city hall. The investigation came in the wake of several staff complaints of “negative and adverse treatment.”

Read council’s full statement, issued Thursday morning:

Council has resolved to convene a closed meeting to consider a report that was issued following an investigation conducted under the Council Code of Conduct Bylaw. Because the report contains personal information within the meaning the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Council is prohibited from considering this matter in an open meeting.

However, within 30 days of its decision, Council will make available to the public a complete or redacted copy of the investigation report, or a summary of it, together with a description of the censures, sanctions, corrective actions, and other measures, if any, imposed by Council on the respondent. Until that time, Council will not be commenting further on the matter.