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$25,000 REWARD

Generous donation boosts reward for information into Ryan Shtuka’s 2018 disappearance

Oct 25, 2023 | 6:00 PM

KAMLOOPS — Ryan Shtuka was last seen in the early morning hours of February 17, 2018 when he left a party on Sun Peaks. He never showed up for work the next day.

Over the past five-and-a-half years, Shtuka’s family and friends have led numerous searches for Ryan on the mountain, hoping to find any trace of the young man.

Previously, the family had offered up a $15,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of Ryan, but this week Ryan’s mother Heather announced that, thanks to a generous donation, the reward is now $25,000.

“We struggled with — what a generous offer. But it was something they felt really strongly about and something they could help. And in the face of that how do you turn down such generosity,” said Heather. “It was a difficult decision and maybe it doesn’t seem like that would be for many people but for us, trying to decide where the benefit would come from raising it — would it do what we wanted it to do? And I guess we are still at a standstill. We are not sure quite how it will play out in the end.”

It remains Heather’s dream that the memory and legacy of Ryan live on through others.

Many times before, the family has been offered help from friends and even strangers, but never before could Heather bring herself to accept. She admits, even now, she has no idea if the extra $10,000 will help bring the family closer to closure.

“Maybe it would be enough to keep it top of mind when (people) are heading out and doing those activities. If a case comes that somebody does know something, is $25,000 enough for them to actually come forward? Maybe not. For me that is just a placeholder for an amount,” said Heather. “If somebody could tell me tomorrow that this certain amount would definitely get the response we were looking for and bring Ryan home, then Scott and I would do whatever was necessary to make sure that we had that so that we could have Ryan come back home to us.”