Image Credit: Kent Simmonds / CFJC Today

Kamloops residents in good spot to view rare solar eclipse Saturday

Oct 13, 2023 | 4:23 PM

KAMLOOPS — A rare, annular solar eclipse will be taking place Saturday (Oct. 14) morning. And it just so happens that the southwest part of British Columbia will be the best spot in Canada to experience it.

For the Kamloops area, the eclipse will begin around 8:10 a.m Saturday, with maximum eclipse at 9:22 in the morning, and the event ending around 10:40 a.m.

Paul Hembling is the Principal of Online Learning for SD73 and he’s also an astronomy buff, having previously taught astronomy during his career as an educator. For local viewing, he says anywhere without cloud cover or fog should have a good view of the eclipse.

“If you’re willing to travel, you can usually see a couple of eclipses every single year. But in terms of a significant amount of coverage eclipse happening where you live — that is really quite rare. And this is just one of those times,” he says. “This is actually the most coverage of an eclipse that has happened in Kamloops during my adult life.”

To get a safe look at the eclipse, people can use viewing glasses with a Mylar solar filter, specialty binoculars or telescopes or Shade 14 welding glass.

Hembling stresses that even though it may be exciting, it is not safe to stare at the sun directly during an astronomical event.

“Don’t look straight at the sun during the eclipse. You will damage your eyes. Make sure you’re doing it safely.”

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