ROTHENBURGER: If both sides want to protect kids, why is common ground so hard to find?
WHEN TWO SIDES square off, as they did on Columbia Street this week, one wonders about common ground.
Sometimes there isn’t any. Sometimes it’s so meagre it does nothing to bring the two sides closer together let alone resolve differences. Whether it’s freedom convoys, anti-vaxxers, the homelessness debate, drug decriminalization or so many other things, the truth (as Oscar Wilde said) is rarely pure and never simple.
So it is with the SOGI issue. SOGI stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. It is not a curriculum, according to official descriptions. “SOGI is a topic that can be addressed throughout many subjects and school activities…. SOGI-inclusive education is about students having conversations about the SOGI diversity in society and the importance of treating everyone with dignity and respect.”
The protests in many cities this week were against SOGI. Counter-protests were for it. Simple enough. People were exercising their freedom of expression. From there, though, it gets complicated, and I have more questions than answers on where there is or isn’t common ground.