Which ribs? 12th annual Rotary Daybreak Kamloops Ribfest back at Riverside Park
KAMLOOPS — Ribbers are stoking fires and getting smoky in preparation for the 12th annual Kamloops Rotary Daybreak Ribfest. But how do you know which ribs to pick?
“It’s all coming down to the rub and the sauces on the rib,” ‘BBQ’ Brian Misko of House of Q and Prairie Smoke says. “They all taste differently. And also, the quality of the cook – if the cook know what they’re doing in the pit.”
It can be a little overwhelming to try and decide just which ribs to get. There are banners touting the accomplishments of each crew, and the ribbers try to entice each customer to try their ribs. Hardware can also be one way to pick which ribs might be the tastiest.