ROTHENBURGER: What’s the next big edifice for the Tournament Capital?
—BRICKS AND MORTAR, I’ve always maintained, are important because buildings are where we gather, where we heal, and where we work and play.
So what’s the next big bricks and mortar project Kamloops should take on?
City councillors have an itch to spend a lot of money on “visible” and “bold” edifices. The recent $15.7-million provincial grant seems to have inspired them to press forward with a multi-year plan to build things. “Build Kamloops” it’s called.
Anxious to identify some quick wins, council members decided to spend $5 million of the windfall on the Summit pedestrian-cycle overpass (the folly of which I’ve already discussed) and another $5.4 million on an outdoor sheet of skating ice at Riverside Park.