(Image Credit: CFJC News)

Starving dogs seized from Clearwater breeder in care across BC Interior

Jan 12, 2023 | 5:07 PM

KAMLOOPS– DISTURBING CONTENT WARNING: The images and descriptions contained in this story may be disturbing to some viewers.

After being seized from a property in Clearwater, more than a dozen malnourished dogs are now recovering in various locations across the Interior.

“I’ve never seen dogs that emaciated and still be alive,” Eileen Drever, the B.C. SPCA’s senior officer, protection and stakeholder relations, told CFJC News.

Drever said animal protection officers removed 15 Cane Corso dogs in various stages of starvation from a Clearwater breeder, who was selling the puppies for profit during the pandemic.

Of the 15 emaciated dogs, seven are 10-week-old puppies and the rest are under the age of three.

According to the agency, two of the emaciated dogs were surrendered into BC SPCA custody the day before the seizure.

Upon removing them, the BC SPCA said the dogs were rushed to a vet for medical treatment.

One dog remains at the Kamloops branch, four are in intensive care at a local vet, while the rest are at various SPCA locations across the Interior.

To properly care for the dogs, SPCA staff have had to alter their care schedules.

“We have brought on extra staff during this time while we’re providing care for them,” Ashley Fontaine-Ost, BC SPCA Thompson-Nicola Region, senior manager said.

“And then extending our hours as well, just because they need to be monitored more closely than the typical animal in our centre.”

Due to the severity of the neglect, charges of animal cruelty are being recommended to the crown.