Image Credit: CFJC Today

City of Kamloops road crews busy with changing conditions and potholes

Dec 29, 2022 | 4:23 PM

KAMLOOPS — City crews continue to manage snow removal while ensuring streets remain in good condition throughout Kamloops.

Warm temperatures have caused a significant melt, which means city crews have shifted focus from snow removal to managing icy conditions.

The variety of elevations and conditions throughout different neighbourhoods of the city keeps crews on their toes.

“We had a lot of ice in the higher elevations in particular, and even in the lower elevations, on those local roads that we weren’t able to entirely plow with those colder temperatures – we’re seeing some of that melting now, some of that slush developing and then ultimately freezing again,” City of Kamloops Streets Manager Glen Farrow explains. “We’re still out, we’re fully staffed 24 hours a day, with staff in each zone addressing those concerns and those complaints.”

The freeze-thaw cycle has also caused the growth of many potholes around Kamloops. That means crews are jumping from managing road conditions to patching those holes as they arise.

“We’re definitely prepared to shift from, you know, one evening half the staff will be potholing, the other part of the group will be patrolling and combatting ice,” Farrow explains. “Definitely not only doing one facet of the job but jumping around from potholing to patching, to fighting ice and snow wherever we can. It’s an exciting job that the staff perform.”

To report any issues or request service from the city, you can call Civic Operations headquarters at (250)828-3461.