Max Patel and Kayla Derkach collecting toys at Aberdeen Mall on Wednesday morning (Image Credit: CFJC Today)

Christmas Amalgamated benefits again from B100 Toy House campaign

Dec 21, 2022 | 2:11 PM

KAMLOOPS — B100 Kamloops and CIFM radio personalities were busy picking up toys across the city from their annual Toy House campaign. The collected toys are donated by the community for Christmas Amalgamated.

The teams hit up seven different locations to empty the toy houses, some of which were filled multiple times over the course of the holiday season.

At Aberdeen Mall, there were boxes full of toys that were then taken to Christmas Amalgamated on the North Shore.

“Based on what we got last year, it’s kind of around the same amount. That’s because spirit of Christmas is still the same, the way the community is stepping up, especially when you scary words like ‘inflation,’ ‘recession.’ It’s always nice to see Kamloops step up and it’s never been a disappointment throughout the years of me supporting Christmas Amalgamated with the Toy House campaign,” said B100 and CIFM host Kayla Derkach.

The toy collection happened on one of the coldest days of the year — with temperatures close to -40C with the windchill — and the crews were thankful for both the donations and the warm pick-up locations.

“Yeah I am. Thank goodness because oh [it is cold],” she said. “But it’s been a really good haul this year and I think a lot of people, and especially the families and individuals that rely on Christmas Amalgamated. They’re going to be so happy come Christmas Day.”