Image Credit: BC Legislature
Armchair Mayor

ROTHENBURGER: Despite silliness and F-bombs, Question Period serves a purpose

Apr 27, 2022 | 4:23 AM

QUESTION PERIOD in the B.C. Legislature is a favourite target of indignation among the masses. We like to shake our heads sadly at the frequent silliness of the debate that takes place there, and our lawmakers certainly provided ample fodder this week.

During a debate on the doctor shortage, Liberals hammered the NDP government with loaded questions of the “When will you stop beating your dog?” variety.

Abbotsford South MLA Bruce Banman, for example, demanded to know, “Why, Mr. Premier, have you abandoned people to hours-long wait times to get the medical attention they deserve?”

It’s more than a little doubtful Banman expected Premier John Horgan to respond with, “Well, the reason I’ve abandoned people is…..” That’s why questions in Question Period are seldom actually answered — government ministers simply don’t want to acknowledge any validity to the way in which the questions are couched.

It’s all part of the game, but under persistent questioning of that nature by Surrey-White Rock MLA Trevor Halford, and even more persistent heckling from the Liberal side, Horgan blew his cool and unleashed the ‘F’ word.

It was reminiscent of then-prime minister Pierre Trudeau’s famous “fuddle duddle” in the House of Commons 50 years ago. Horgan is an experienced politician who should be able to handle some bad-mouthing from the Opposition but he’s also well-known for his thin skin and hot temper.

“Do you really care, or do you want to hear yourself?” he shouted over the racket from the Liberals. “Do you want a headline, or do you want action?” he added, before his F-bomb.

It’s often said there’s a reason it’s not called “Answer Period” but a good term for it would be “Loaded Question Period.”

It gives the Opposition parties a chance to hold the government’s feet to the fire and forcefully promote their issues, besides which you must admit it’s entertaining.

So, no, Question Period must stay, despite the silly-bugger stuff.

I’m Mel Rothenburger, the Armchair Mayor.

Mel Rothenburger is a former mayor of Kamloops and a retired newspaper editor. He is a regular contributor to CFJC Today, publishes the opinion website, and is a director on the Thompson-Nicola Regional District board. He can be reached at


Editor’s Note: This opinion piece reflects the views of its author, and does not necessarily represent the views of CFJC Today or Pattison Media.