Simon Says
Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited
If you read last week’s post about meeting Simon – I think you will be very interested to find out part two of the story which you will find around minute 4:30 of the below video. Thank you to everyone who reached out to send both him and I love and encouragement – we both appreciated it so much.
I have created a Kudoboard for Simon and if you would like to put a note of support on there, that would be so great. And/or maybe there is someone you know that would appreciate a KudoBoard. I felt so hopeful and uplifted just reading it – perhaps it might fill your cup too. People are good.
I’m pretty sure this is just the middle of Simon’s story; for now, Simon says he is okay, starting his life anew in Toronto, and was moved to tears by the abundance of support from so many strangers. He asked how I find so many kind people; I told him they are everywhere and that I found one on the beach in California. People are kind.