Two damaged locations on Highway 8, about seven kilometres east of Spences Bridge (Image Credit: Flickr / Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure)
Flooding Fallout

Highway 8 sustained substantial damage in 18 locations: minister

Nov 23, 2021 | 5:28 PM

MERRITT, B.C. — While it may not be the busiest of the Southern Interior highways damaged by last week’s devastating flood event, Highway 8 is a vital link for thousands of people who live in the region.

That makes Tuesday’s news from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure all the more disconcerting.

Minister Rob Fleming told reporters Highway 8 has been damaged in no fewer than 18 locations within a 46-kilometre stretch.

“This highway is closed approximately 20 kilometres [west of] Merritt through to Spences Bridge as a result of significant damage from the storm event,” said Fleming. “Eighteen segments of that highway sustained substantial damage. Four bridges are either gone or damaged.”

Aerial photographs show some spots where a significant portion of the highway has disappeared, swallowed by the adjacent Nicola River.

“Permanent repairs to the highway are going to take some time and the engineering assessments are underway now,” said Fleming. “Provincial staff will be engaging with local Indigenous leaders as well as impacted residents and communities in the coming days.”

Work is already underway to get road access restored to area residents, and Fleming notes that provides a glimmer of hope.

“Along Petit Creek Road, which is a side road off Highway 8, a temporary bridge has been set up near Canford, about 17 kilometres west of Merritt. It will provide alternate access for some Indigenous communities and local residents to use to reconnect to the rest of the province.”

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