Image Credit: CFJC Today

Sun Peaks Resort optimistic about upcoming season, despite travel challenges facing B.C.

Nov 19, 2021 | 4:59 PM

KAMLOOPS — There’s just one more sleep until Opening Day at Sun Peaks Resort. In preparation, the snow cannons are hard at work laying down a base for all the skiers and boarders who plan to hit the slopes.

“It’s a little bit different opening this year from what we saw last year,” Aidan Kelly, Chief Marketing Officer for Sun Peaks Resort tells CFJC Today. “Everyone knows the weather has been a little bit crazy for the last while, so we have to manage those expectations. But yeah, opening [Saturday, November 20] and we’re pretty excited.”

After several record years in a row, it’s been a tough stretch in the tourism sector. In 2020, the pandemic caused the province to implement major travel restrictions right before the resort opened. This year, catastrophic weather has cut off travel between the Lower Mainland and the Interior.

“Trying to navigate through all of that — with a devastating fire season mixed in the middle of those two — it’s a lot to take,” Kelly explains. “We’re still really thankful to be here. Our operations are intact. We’re opening tomorrow and we’re excited about it. We’ll work through all those challenges.”

Resort crews continue to get the runs ready for opening day. Just a short distance from the lifts, Kerri MacGowan and the gang at Jardine’s Sport Shop are hard at work, making sure everyone has the right gear to make some turns.

“As a shop owner, we’ve been prepping for months for this opening day, so we’re really stoked about it” MacGowan explains. “A little disappointed about the snow, but [the resort] has been producing snow for the past 72 hours, so it’s looking promising. We’re pretty stoked it’s all happening.”

Like many retailers, Jardine’s is feeling the supply chain pinch that’s been brought on by both the pandemic and the extreme weather. However, any anxiety about the business side of things is eclipsed by the positivity a new season at the hill brings.

“It’s when we’re the busiest around here. There’s so much excitement and so many people around,” MacGowan says. “As one of the shop owners, we appreciate seeing brand new faces, we appreciate seeing our old faces and we’re excited to have everybody back.”

Kelly expects a similar start to last season, as travel from markets west of the Interior will be limited for the next few months.

“The local market responded really well. This is the strongest year for season pass sales that we’ve ever had. People really enjoyed themselves and rediscovered that love for skiing last year,” Kelly says. “As we move into the opening and we see the snowfall from the sky and start turning the lifts, I think it’s always an optimistic and exciting time of year.”

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