CFJC Today recognizes National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
City of Port Alberni have purchased the Somass Mill property from Western Forest Products. (The Canadian Press)
mill sold

City of Port Alberni completes purchase of Somass Mill

Aug 15, 2021 | 12:26 PM

PORT ALBERNI — The purchase of a prime piece of waterfront property has completed.

The City of Port Alberni recently purchased the Somass Mill property from Western Forest Products for $5.3 million.

Mayor Sharie Minions said the prospect of taking over the site was why she ran for mayor.

“The Somass Mill shut down during my term on council and I saw it as a incredible opportunity for the future of the community, to really go in a new direction.”

Negotiations between Port Alberni City Council and Western Forest Products were ongoing since the indefinite curtailment of the cedar mill four years ago.

In July of 2021, the City announced they would be expropriating the waterfront industrial site, further pressuring WFP to negotiate a sale.

The city hopes to sell off most of the 43-acre property, keeping the waterfront section for the Quay-to-quay pathway as well as some parkland.

According to Minions, environmental consultants did extensive testing and believe it will cost less than a million dollars to remediate the industrial lands.

“We had a stage two assessment reviewed. We’re going to be hiring a contractor to help with the contamination and lead us through that process.”

Minions said the repurposing of waterfront lands was a main focus of this council and features prominently in their strategic plan.

“A diverse and mixed use site, one that has public use for the waterfront. A mix of residential, commercial and light industrial. A site that shows we’re able to support industry and liveability quality of life and public access to the waterfront all in one place.

Western Forest Products placed a covenant on the land, stating no primary sawmilling can happen at the location for five years.

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