Conservation officers say a cougar is likely looking for food in Buttertubs Marsh. (Alex Rawnsley/NanaimoNewsNOW)
careful treading

Warnings issued after cougar sighted in Buttertubs Marsh over several days

Jul 8, 2021 | 12:42 PM

NANAIMO — New signs are temporarily posted around Buttertubs Marsh after a cougar was spotted several times in recent days.

Conservation Officer Stuart Bates told NanaimoNewsNOW the cougar was first spotted on Saturday, July 3 and many times since then.

He said anyone who does see the cougar should remember to make themselves seem big and back up while alerting others in the area.

“Whatever you do, don’t run because running from a cougar is like rolling a ball in front of a house cat. And stare them in the eyes as you back up. You want them to know you know they’re there and they’re not going to surprise you.”

Bates said cougars moving through the marsh isn’t unusual.

“It’s right along the Millstone River which is a wildlife corridor. Young cougars follow the river down, usually looking for raccoons.”

The cougar is expected to mill about for several days until it’s fed.

Bates said the cougar will be left alone for now since it’s not threatening anyone.

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