SOUND OFF: Trawin apologizes for comments re: Juniper evacuation
I HAVE HAD TIME TO REFLECT and will be issuing a formal apology (Tuesday) at a press event.
I didn’t mean my words to be insensitive at all but apparently they were to you and several others in Juniper and I am actually sick about it. I cannot imagine the fear and the anxiety that you went through that night. And I should’ve taken that into account more when I spoke.
The point I was trying to make, which I did a horrible job of, was that not all of Juniper was under a tactical evacuation according to incident command, the fire chief and assistant fire chief. They further advised me that no one in their vehicles were in danger while evacuating and if they were in danger then the emergency access routes would have been utilized.
I could have been clearer in my intent and chosen my words better and been much more sensitive. I am sorry for your trauma and am truly glad you, your family and home are safe.