(Submitted photo/Joanne Williams).
Facing Fears

Kamloops woman with multiple sclerosis conquers fear of heights thanks to reality TV show

Jun 7, 2021 | 10:03 AM

KAMLOOPS — When Kamloops local Joanne Williams saw a casting call advertisement with the TV show “By Hook or By Cook,” she sent in her application.

“By Hook or By Cook” is a reality TV show on Accessible Media Inc. (AMI-tv) that’s hosted by Bruce Cook, a paralyzed freestyle motocross rider from Kelowna whose show is aimed to help people with disabilities go on a thrill-seeking adventure.

Having lived with multiple sclerosis (MS) for 46 years, Williams saw the show as an opportunity to conquer her fear of heights.

“I went through some very trying times,” Williams said. “I couldn’t get out of the bed or go to the toilet on my own. I was basically tied to other people doing things for me. Now, my MS started to get better, which is not usual. I can now do those things for myself, as well as cook and clean. Most of my changes have come from challenging myself to see if I can do this and stand up.”

Despite Williams getting further in the application process, she thought she didn’t make the cut after contact with the show halted as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged. She eventually got an interview with the show and was surprised to be chosen to star in an episode.

Williams’ preferred route to tackle her fear: a zipline.

“They put me in a harness, and it had to be a special harness because of the way I sit in a wheelchair,” she said. “They were trying to get the drones and microphones working, and they took me out of my chair and left me hanging there. To me, [down] looked like a great, big, dark pit, and that’s what I was afraid of. But when I finally got going, it was amazing. I don’t know why I was so afraid of it.”

“When I looked down to the bottom, I thought that was too fast. I wanted to go back and see it again. [Ziplining] conquered the fear that I had. Fear is something that holds us back, and overcoming a fear is a sense of power.”

Near the end of filming, the show’s producers – Render Digital Media Productions – surprised Williams and her husband with one more test to ensure she conquered her fears: a romantic, hot air balloon ride.

(Submitted photo/Joanne Williams).

Williams’ message to fellow differently-abled people is to not be afraid of new challenges.

The episode of “By Hook or By Cook” featuring Williams can be viewed online.