(CFJC Today/File photo).
Downtown Kamloops

KCBIA says plans for summer celebrations downtown depend on B.C.’s COVID-19 trajectory

Jun 2, 2021 | 5:08 PM

KAMLOOPS — Optimistic, confident and excited.

The Kamloops Central Business Improvement Association (KCBIA) is eager to see what summer could look like in the city and B.C. if the provincial government’s restart advances as COVID-19 numbers continue to decline and vaccinations increase.

Carl DeSantis, KCBIA executive director, says there have been discussions about summer programming and events in Downtown Kamloops, but concrete plans are yet to be made as they wait for B.C.’s Restart to enter Step Two as early as June 15, and Step Three as early as July 1.

“Once we get to that point, you just watch us go; put on your seatbelt,” DeSantis said. “We’re hoping to reactivate downtown with the introduction of occasional celebrations, which may include scaled down block parties. We’ve got the Farmer’s Market which is a regular downtown again. Lots of conversations, but we can’t put them into cement and let them dry quite yet.”

Almost a year’s worth of KCBIA’s events — about 30-plus — were cancelled in 2020 due to provincial health guidelines in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. KCBIA’s financial statement presented at Tuesday’s (June 1) council meeting showed a $7,755 expenditure on special events and projects in 2020, in contrast to the $37,800 budgeted and the $66,108 spent in 2019.

KCBIA finished with a $72,614 surplus in 2020, well above the $19,235 budgeted. The reduced bill of special events and federal funding through the Canada Summer Jobs program were two key factors.

However, the strong financial position amid the COVID-19 pandemic won’t encourage KCBIA to not spend as much to showcase downtown Kamloops.

“Going forward, we’re going to enhance what we’ve been able to do for the last 15 months because now we can encourage people to come back downtown with their families and friends, and celebrate,” DeSantis said. “That’s what we’re committed to doing as soon as we’re able to do it and it’s safe to do so.”

DeSantis expects the Artisans Alive program, where musicians with instruments performing occasionally throughout the downtown area, to return. He added the extended patios program will continue throughout the summer and fall.