Old-growth forest activists to appeal B.C. court injunction against blockades
VANCOUVER — A group of activists maintaining blockades aimed at preventing old-growth trees from being logged have filed a notice to appeal a British Columbia Supreme Court decision that granted an injunction against them.
The Rainforest Flying Squad argues the court erred when it granted Teal-Jones Group an injunction against the blockades set up to prevent the company from accessing parts of its forest tenure on Vancouver Island.
A notice filed this week with the B.C. Court of Appeal requests a hearing to argue the decision by Justice Frits Verhoeven should be set aside, and claims that he failed to properly balance public interest in the case.
It asserts Verhoeven erred in determining that the province’s decision to approve a cutting permit comprising part of the Fairy Creek watershed northeast of Port Renfrew was a policy consideration that outweighs the public interest in preserving remaining old-growth forests in B.C.