Province unveils three-week ‘circuit breaker’ with stronger restrictions as COVID-19 cases soar
VICTORIA — Citing the need for a “circuit breaker” in the face of rising COVID-19 spread, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced several new temporary restrictions Monday (Mar. 29).
With the majority of spread still taking place indoors, Henry targeted her restrictions toward indoor activities:
- All indoor meal service at B.C. restaurants has been suspended. Take-out and patio service is still allowed
- Variance to allow indoor, in-person religious services has been called off.
- All indoor, adult group fitness activities paused. One-on-one fitness training still allowed.
- Whistler-Blackcomb resort closed.
- All students from Grade 4 to 12 should wear masks in school.
The restrictions begin at midnight tonight and last until April 19.