Kamloops Fire Rescue hosts Virtual Junior Firefighter Academy all week
KAMLOOPS — Firefighting fans young and old are in for a treat this week, as Kamloops Fire Rescue is hosting their Virtual Junior Firefighter Academy on social media.
The academy falls on spring break and is being hosted on Facebook Live, as well as YouTube. KFR’s Fire and Life Safety Educator Jamie Chase explains that with so many restrictions still in place around the COVID-19 pandemic, connecting via social media is a great way to help remain connected with the community.
“We came up with this idea to use some of the technology that was out there – some of the social media – to take the fire hall to people at home so they can see some of what we’re doing,” Chase tells CFJC Today. “We’ve got a bunch of things we want to accomplish with this; one is just to have fun with it and let people see what we’re doing. It’s kind of my chance to get some of the safety messages out to the public, as well. And just to let everyone see more of what it is we do behind closed doors.”