Credit: Facebook-Milan Venuti
Family wants answers in prison death

Family has questions about prison death

Mar 12, 2021 | 5:16 AM

KAMLOOPS — The family of a 31-year old man who died while at KRCC last November say they have questions and they want answers.

William James Strande was placed in KRCC last November, and died less than a day later. Strande was raised by Doug and Donna Mikalishen, and they want some answers to their questions about Strande’s apparent suicide.

He was reported on suicide watch a month earlier while incarcerated at a facility in the Fraser Valley. The Mikalishens say they’ve been unable so far to get enough details to satisfy them.

There are reports from Correctional Service officials referring to Strande’s mental issues. There is the possibility of an inquest but that hasn’t been determined yet.