GINTA: We have nothing if we don’t have transparency
I WAS ABOUT TO TELL YOU about this awe-inspiring documentary called ‘Wild Canadian Weather’ you can find on CBC. It’s a perfect reminder of beauty and wonder and why we need to care for nature. My youngest used to watch the Planet Earth series when he was in early elementary school, and he would talk about it for hours, eyes sparkling with joy.
I could tell you more about that, but you see, around the same time in his young life, he also struggled with recurrent asthma attacks. A particularly awful one had us call emergency crews and we spent a long night in the hospital.
Among many scary details surrounding us there was this gentleness coming from every nurse that cared for him during that time – their smiles, the encouragements, the soft-spoken reassurances that he will be ok.
I have a soft spot for nurses. I had one hold my hand while in labour with my firstborn. Everything she could do to make it a bit better for me during that long-drawn pain-infused time, she did. Next shift nurse did the same – warm, gentle, and patient. Four years later, we welcomed our second baby and the same happened.