STREAMING: Kamloops All-Candidates Forum
I recently joined a virtual book club and it’s unlike anything I’ve been a part of in the past. This is a non-fiction book club where each person reads whatever they want to read and then, on Zoom, we each give a little ‘book report’. I love the organic discussions that come up as a result of what each person’s topic is, I am constantly surprised by the direction and depth that the conversations go. If you think you might like this kind of book club – start one, you just need one other person!
One of my book choices this month is The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary W. Keller & Jay Papasan.
It’s really making me think about the ONE thing I can do (today, this week, this month, this quarter, this year) to improve my relationships, my business, my health, my community, et al.
Bringing my learning into real life, I asked a coaching client who was feeling very stuck and overwhelmed that question. After coming up with some big answers she realized she couldn’t get the important things done until she has a new routine in place. So the ONE thing she could do this week, that would make everything else easier for her was to create a kick-a@# schedule that she could get excited about. Bam – 40 minutes later, she was happy, committed and ready to implement her new plan.
Now, I’ll like to toss it over to you, what’s your ONE thing. Make up your own questions or use one of these…
What is the ONE thing you can do today to take care of yourself?
What is the ONE thing you can do this week to make a significant relationship better?
What is the ONE thing you can do this month to be a better leader, employee, business owner, caregiver?
If you did that ONE thing, what other things would be so much easier or even unnecessary?
I also like this idea about tracking from Jerry Seinfeld…
“the key was to write jokes (hint: his ONE Thing!) every day. And the way he’d figured out how to make that happen was to hang a huge annual calendar on the wall and then put a big red X across every day he worked on his craft. “After a few days, you’ll have a chain,” Seinfeld said. “Just keep at it and the chain will grow longer every day. You’ll like seeing the chain, especially when you get a few weeks under your belt. Your only job is to not break the chain. Don’t break the chain.”
As you can see from my 55 Alive project, I love checking off of boxes, even on my redneck spreadsheet, and the little adrenaline hit that I get from √√√√√√. I think the X chain on the calendar is a cool idea, too.
What ONE thing will you commit to doing and how will you track it?
Cheering for you, as always, Steph : )
PS – This video is also about a different kind of ONE!


The post Your One Thing first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited