Pick a Word!
Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited
Some of my past words have been: Lifestyle, Grow, Rejoice, Scrabble, Rewire, Healthy, Vision, What if… and one of my favourites, Delight. In the year of Delight, I wrote down something (literally every day) that I took delight in (you can see a sample list here), what a game-changer!
Some people swear by 3 words, or a phrase for the year, which I almost did this year, but after careful consideration, I whittled it back down to one word.
And my Word of the Year for 2021 is, drum roll, please… Vitality! Defined as the state of being strong and active; energy; present in all living things. My connotation being – bringing and receiving life and energy into/from all areas of my life, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and professionally. When we can visit again, you may see this word on sticky notes around my home, in dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror, written out in Scrabble letters on my table, secured with magnets on my fridge.