GINTA: The biggest lesson of 2020
IT GOES WITHOUT SAYING that 2020 has been the year of crazy, sad, tough, and scary for many of us. It’s been humbling, and it’s far from over.
We’ve learned to live with fear, though we know that’s not the way to make whatever scares us go away. On the contrary – it makes us resent our fellow humans and it makes us aggressive.
And yet, the anger we show online is a short-lived ride, just until the next story pops us. Another serving of anger, disappointment, or a mix of both with the cherry of doom on top… ‘this will never end,’ and so we roll, forgetting to breathe and count any remaining blessings because we’re too busy being angry.
And yet, that never solves much, unless it morphs into personal action that leads to changes of some sort. That’s the biggest lesson this year has taught me: if we are to see any changes in the world around us – immediate and farther out, it’s the personal act that counts.