GINTA: In times of trouble, helping goes a long way and in more than one way
NO MATTER WHERE YOU TURN, you get reminded that it’s almost Christmas. Of course, that’s great and exciting for many. And then, even in a normal year, Christmas is a trying time for so many others. This year especially though, it’s tougher to face the holidays knowing how many are struggling with it.
This year our family has donated more than ever to various causes because the times we live in are just that way. If you are among those who can help, please do. Kindness is never to be measured in the amount you give but in the fact that you cared.
Much like I always say, keeping it local is vital. It applies to charity and kindness, too.
If you head to the grocery store, tuck some change in your pocket before you leave home so you can add to the Salvation Army collection kettles powered by volunteers. I am reminded that we live in an amazing and giving community whenever I hear the bells ringing and I know that these selfless people stand by the kettle hoping to fill it day after day until Christmas. If giving is not an option, share a smile and a greeting. They are free and heart-warming.