City of Kamloops pare proposed 2021 tax increase to 0.49 per cent; more cuts could be on the way
KAMLOOPS — After Kamloops council vowed to get the 2021 property tax increase down to zero per cent, City staff have been working to cut down on expenses.
Staff have put forward a 0.49 per cent provisional tax increase — down from the original projection of 3.9 per cent. The City may dip into some reserves if needed, but it will also utilize nearly $7 million dollars in COVID-related funding from the province.
“The province gave us the COVID-restart-for-local-government money, so then we will use that to add revenue into our budget to cover the lost recreation revenues. We’ll use it to cover the lost parking revenue, all of that,” said Director of Corporate Services Kathy Humphrey. “Then a bunch of the costs that are overtime specific to COVID, so plexi and PPE [personal protective equipment] and that sort of stuff we’re going to offset all of those. That basically drops us down to half a percent.”