To cut Trump off or let him rant: That is the question facing broadcasters
TORONTO — Deciding on the fly whether to air in real time U.S. President Donald Trump’s baseless allegations of election fraud is a tricky dilemma that defies easy solutions, broadcast journalists and observers said on Friday.
Differing approaches were apparent on Thursday, when some networks simply cut away from covering Trump’s invective from the White House, while others stayed with his statements but offered real-time disclaimers.
CNN, for example, opted for the latter approach as did CBC News.
“It ain’t easy. These are really tough decisions to make in the moment,” Brodie Fenlon, CBC’s editor-in-chief, said in an interview. “You have a guy who is still the president and at a moment when he is still potentially competitive, and his words matter as we see and they still have an effect on the ground.”